Do you want to play tic-tac-toe, is it not enough for you on a 3x3 field? Why not play them on an endless* field.

Surprisingly, in the game you can make moves by placing a piece on the LMB!!!

And also set checkpoints, which you can return to at any time using the z or x keys.

Also, when playing against AI, a really smart (no) algorithm works, trying to make the longest possible line.

*Almost endless, Unity is able to process the field 2^21 by 2^21 normally, after that there are only "Far Lands".

P.S. This is my coursework on programming, so I could not include any jokes in the game :(

Sourse code:


Download 25 MB
Version 0.94 54 days ago

Install instructions

Unzip the archive and run "maXOf field.exe"

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